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Our Partners

As Nature Trails continues to develop new and exciting educational programs so does the opportunity to successfully attract a variety of corporate partners, who contribute both financially and/or supply Nature Trails programs with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the most advanced technology and support are provided to sustain the implementation of each educational learning experience.

Nature Trails partners have been selected under a stringent review to ensure that they are practicing sustainable development and operational practices within their company's environmental policies. As Nature Trails evolves into the future so does the opportunity to continue to work with existing partners and develop relationships with new partners.

Thank you to our partners for your continued support:

Kendrick Astro Instruments
Tembec Canada
Efston Science The Science and Astronomy Super Store
Quest Nature Tours
Algonquin Provincial Park
Harkness Laboratory of Fisheries Research
UpNorth Adventures Yukon
JanRon Communications
SkyNews Magazine

Photo Credits: Rob Stimpson and Robert Taylor